Trusted Economic Perspectives
Monday Morning Outlook – Finally, Election Eve
It’s almost over! Unfortunately, those texts might not stop right away. Unless this election is an unexpected blowout, some key states won’t have full counts of all their ballots for several days. That said, enough results from some hotly contested states like...
Monday Morning Outlook – The Budget Blowout
With only one week left in the fiscal year, it looks like the budget deficit for the federal government for Fiscal Year 2024 is going to come in at about $1.9 trillion, which is 6.7% of GDP. To put this in historical perspective, we know of no other year in US history...
It’s Money, Not Spending, that Causes Inflation
You don’t have to read or listen for long these days before you hear a politician, pundit, or politically-inclined person say: “Government spending causes inflation.” Don’t get us wrong…anyone who wants to cut the size and scope of government is a friend of ours....